Tag: perception

  • There are not “Too Many People on the Planet”

    It is reported that young people in the UK are most concerned with near-term societal challenges, in particular, the climate emergency, cost-of-living crisis and wellbeing. So when family or friends postulate that the reason for our climate problem is that ‘there are too many people on the planet‘, I wonder at the origin of their…

  • Educational material: A Bird’s Eye View & LNT illustrations

    The Migration: The Bird Branes have chosen their family migration destination this year. Avoiding all those renewable hazards they are going to Chernobyl. How sensible! The safest place to go. Low-Level Radiation concerns: Henrietta learns that Mums like her don’t need to worry about mutations from nuclear power. Nuclear for Reliability: This illustration explains the…

  • 10 Misconceptions about nuclear power

    CREDIT DUE TO Professor Wade Allison: Author of Radiation and Reason and Nuclear Is for Life